We decided to drive up to Mt. St. Helens today, to check out the road since Mark and I rode the Tour de Blast last Saturday. We were both curious to see what the road looked like from the vantage point of a vehicle, and I wanted to see what Mark rode since I did the short ride (33 miles).
I must say, I have a deep respect for my husband and his riding ability. The elevation gains, the hills that kept going on and on, added to cold weather and decreased visibility. Anyone who made it up that mountain at all is amazing! Nancy, we should try for Elk Rock next year. We will need to train for it - more of what we did on Saturday, with a steeper, longer hill. I know we can do it!
At the top we did the usual pictures and checked out the visitor center. The film they show is very impressive, showing the power of the mountain on the day it blew in 1980. They used words like awesome, amazing, powerful. It's funny. The mountain has that power because it was given by God. He is amazing, awesome and powerful.
Besides, how cool is it that he allowed the mountain to erupt on a sunny sunday morning so we could watch? It could have just as easily been in the middle of the night, or in bad weather.
Maybe, just maybe, he was showing us his power and might?
I love you, God, for your thoughtfulness to us. For showing us who you are, in all your power and glory.